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Mark Their Page with Your Brand with Custom Bookmarks

Kids love to read books and comics and these attractive bookmarks is another smart way to inspire them to read good books. Available in a range of colors and shapes, custom bookmarks are available various materials including fabric, plastic and paper among others. Kids even like to collect attractive and interesting bookmarks as keepsakes.Custom Imprinted Bookmarks - Fun Snacks

Businesses can use these popular and budget friendly hand outs of bookmarks to get their message out in a subtle manner. Everyone needs bookmarks to complete the fun of reading their favorite paperbacks and novels. The best thing is that wherever your junior patrons carry their story books, these bookmarks will continue to expose your brand.

Bookmarks have a legacy that dates back to as early the very first books! In the past when books were heavy and page numbers not in use, readers used ingenious bookmarks like feather, stones or plated to return to the page they had left last time. The bookmarks as we see them today were invented in the 16th century and Queen Elizabeth I of England was among the first to own a bookmark.Smart Kids Save Money Bookmarks

Bookmarks have come a long way since then to become trendy, sleek and attractive gift items. Simple, practical and budget friendly, bookmarks are something that can be employed to promote all types of businesses. Most of our bookmarks at Promo4kids are priced less than a dollar, which makes it a perfect bet for a budget friendly campaign. Here are some of our popular models that can be considered.

Custom Imprinted Bookmarks – Fun Snacks : These double-sided bookmarks that feature healthy snack ideas are attractive, durable and informative for kids. Apart from offering a 360 degree exposure for your logo, these logo gifts will encourage your tiny patrons to stick to healthy snacks. Children of all ages will enjoy this informative bookmark, which can be handed out as back to school items or holiday gifts.

Smart Kids Save Money Bookmarks: These attractive bookmarks that carry money saving tips and tricks will make a great bet to promote banks, schools and other kids related businesses. Getting the basic of finance and savings into the minds of kids has never been easier than these. Imprint your logo and message and hand these out during community events, tradeshows or kids events and put your logo on proud display. Help your kids customers to establish good savings habits and see how their parents too become the fans of your brand.

All About Bicycle Safety – Bookmarks: Teach the kids the basic bicycle safety tips with these double sided bookmarks. Everytime they use these to mark the pages of their books, they will surely be inspired by the safety tips on these bookmarks.

Custom bookmarks make a delightful gift to reach out to kids and to promote schools and libraries. These practical gifts can be used over and over again for years to come. Every time your recipients use these logo bookmarks they’ll be reminded of your brand and message. Browse our fabulous collection of Promo4kids and leave a lasting impression in the minds of your customers with these logo items.

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