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Children’s Custom Promotional Products- The Silly Way To handle A Serious Branding

Any promotional campaign with a fun twist will grab easy attention of the audience. Often the most successful promotions do not have a serious business angle. That is precisely why more business leads happen in golf greens or party floors than the board rooms these days.

If you are a business that wants to reach out to the youth market or family audience for sales you will find kids promotional items a great choice.   Simple and jovial, these logo items will strike a chord with the audience and will show off the friendly profile of your brand.

Choose toys that are age appropriate to make them more interesting for your recipients.

Gift ideas for kids aged less than 5

Brightly colored toys and those that make noise will all be perfect gifts for this age group. Floating rubber ducks or plush animals are perfect examples. It will help the kids to understand shapes and colors and to have some pure fun in the company of their parents. Choose gifts without any sharp edges or removable parts to ensure safety.

Promotional Logo Wild Bunch Leopard with Key Tags

Gift ideas for Kids in the age group of 5- 7

Kids in the age group of 5- 7 will find custom piggy banks, coloring books, balls, bubbles, binoculars, sunglasses, hand clappers or yo yo great gift ideas to consider. Your brand and message on these will grab easy attention of not just your little patrons but everyone around. Kids in general would love to flaunt their handouts to their friends, family or teachers, thereby giving your brand and message a wide angle display that is hard to miss!

Custom Imprinted 1 Oz Bubbles

Gift ideas for Kids in the age group of 7-10

Coloring books, crayons and chalk sets are great gifts for kids in this segment because it will enable them to bring out their creative skills through lines and drawings. Jump ropes and playing cards will make their leisure hours more enjoyable and ensure a better brand exposure for your business. T shirts make another delightful option to get across your message to a wider audience without any effort. Kids will simply love to don these attractive T shirts to picnics and other events and your brand will reach a wider secondary audience.

Custom Printed Big Creative Art Books - Kids Coloring & Sketch

Gift ideas for Kids in the age group of 10-13

Drawstring bags and backpacks are great gift ideas for this age group that loves to lead an active life juggling a lot of activities like picnics, camping, school spirit rallies and more. Your brand and message on these will get a lot of attention. T shirts will make another popular handout to consider. Choose items in your corporate color for maximum impact.

Promotional Logo Sport-Tek Youth CamoHex Tees

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