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5 Custom Gifts for Kids Every Marketer Should Try At Least Once

Brands with a clear plan for promotions reach their goals quickly. It is through experience and research we usually make well structured plans and milestones to achieve. Kids’ promotions are a process you need to think wisely and make a mark without any mayhem. In order to make your promotions effective and loved by the people, you need to pick promotional items for kids that will make both kids as well as parents happy. Here we would like to introduce you to some must have kids items parents will surely appreciate if you are giving them away at events.

When is a product considered as a must have? Is it because of its ability to make the kids happy always or its powers to influence the parents? There is no clear cut answer for this, as these instances have characteristics that vary according to the age & characteristics of the kids as well as the expectations of the parents. Sometimes it is very tricky to meet the expectations of the parents. Social media interactions, seminars and surveys will bring you more information regarding this topic.

Check out those products that will help you to impress both the kids and parents quickly.

Rubber ducks

Custom rubber ducks are those custom products that can be introduced to kids even at a smaller age of 1-2 years. These custom products are great bath time toys for kids and parents will be very happy to get one. As these toys can keep the kids busy and also the parents can divert the attention of kids from various other things, these are a must have product in your promotional strategy.

Custom Imprinted Rubber Duck Shape Stress Relievers


Parents nowadays are very determined to start training their kid to develop his skills from the smaller ages itself. It is good to see that kids nowadays are smarter and they respond well to the things parents teach them. Custom puzzles are another clever promotional gift you can think about for kids at the age of 2-3 years. Pick some 4 piece puzzles which have very less difficulty level. As the idea here is to introduce them to the world of puzzles, it will be a great way to create a bright image for your brand in the minds of the parents.

Piggy banks

Being one of the most popular promotional items, customized piggy banks are brilliant items that will present your brand hundreds of brand impressions every month. 5-6 years old kids can be introduced to these simple promotional piggy banks. These are the best promotional items to start teaching the kids the primary lessons of savings. As there are a wide range of options in this category, you will be able to make your choice based on your ideas and likes.

Customized Piggy Bank With Removable Nose - Blue


Children at the age of 3 to 4 can be presented with customized crayons. This is the time when they really start to explore more artistic things and activities. The kids of this age group will have a special attraction towards craft kits and various other tools. Exploit their excitement to experience drawing and painting for the first time with customized crayons. Adults will shower all-praise on your brand for presenting them these fantastic gifts, just in the right time.

Customized 4 Pack Building Block Crayons

Coloring books

Another cool promo gift that kids will be so excited to receive. Kids from the age of 3 can start exploring the possibilities of these coloring books well. Pick the right theme of custom coloring book to achieve perfect brand image in the minds of people.

Find out more products from our store and add more power to your promotional campaigns.

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