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Why Should You Consider Brand Building with Promotional Giveaways for Kids?

“Childish toy for my promotions?” is the first thought that may cross your mind, if you hear someone saying that you should take brand building seriously with promotional giveaways for kids.  A person recommending this to you may sound like a “nut” and you may brush up this proposal with “nah not for me answer”. […]

Five Ways to Use Promotional Balloons for Balloon Fun during Kids Parties

Balloons and kids parties are the hot combination of fun. Parents have realized it very long before, and now businesses indulged in kiddy items understand it, too. It can be seen that kid’s marketers are trying to make difference by handing out bountiful of logo imprinted balloons during mass attended kid’s parties. For an added […]

Why Do Custom Printed Beach Balls Make Great Corporate Giveaway?

Custom printed beach balls make a great corporate giveaway throughout the year because everyone right from kids to grownups finds them entertaining and amusing at the same time. Beach giveaways have been always popular with the corporate businesses because they know that these balls can trigger a holiday mood in recipient and transport them into […]

Why Do Customized Crayon Coloring Books Make Best Emotional Branding Gifts of all Time?

As a child, most of us enjoyed lying on tummy and scribbling or coloring something on a colored book by taking crayons from box lying nearby. We always ended up feeling special and rejuvenated. Why don’t you apply the same technique for reviving interest in your brand? We mean to say why you don’t try […]

Why are Crayons Good for Every Kid?

For most kids-crayons serve as first stepping stone during our first tryst with colors. Most kids get excited on handing out a box of crayons and they spend some time in deciding, which color to use first. No matter where they might use them, coloring with crayons is one important thing in life of a […]

What are the Best Crayons for Pre-schoolers and Kids?

Many studies suggest that artistic inclinations develop in kids at an early age, when they start coloring. Given a box of crayons, they are tempted to pick the color, which appeals them, the most. It further fuels their urges to scribble or express their feelings without any intervention. In this whole artistic soiree parents are […]

Why is everyone going GaGa over promotional Frisbees?

Going by trends, in these economically testing times, marketers are keen to prefer creative marketing over large budget investments. They are always keen to drive values from small budget creative items such as logoed promotional Frisbees than multimillion gifts. Sports and leisure items are largely employed for value building by marketers and of them Frisbees […]

How to Combine Fun, Games and Music for Marketing Campaigns?

Campaigning needn’t be an affair of banners, larger-than-life cutouts and expensive marketing gifts. Kids marketers know it better and they have been striving hard to make their campaigns hit by combining fun, games and music. Some value effective toys, which combine either of these factors or all of them includes- Kids binoculars – They are […]

Why is a Personalized Piggy Bank Good for Your Kid?

Most parents are keen to inculcate money saving habits in their kids from very young age. If you are one such parent trying hard to inculcate this habit in your kid, then this blog is going to be extremely helpful for you. Here the discussion is about importance of personalized piggy bank and how they […]

Benefits of Investing in a Custom Piggy Bank with Removable Top

A piggy bank symbolizes financial security and inculcating this sense of security in your kids at a young age will make them responsible social individuals. Buying a custom piggy bank for kids is definitely one excellent way to teach kids the importance of savings. They can be encouraged to manage their small coins within these […]

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